New & Noteworthy Publications
The CVG is committed to increasing awareness of current genomics research in our community. Listed below are the latest noteworthy publications from CVG member labs. We hope this will be a helpful way to stay informed of the exciting genomics work that is happening on our campus.
Director's Highlights Fall 2022
I'm delighted to highlight this semester 6 publications from members of the CVG community across 5 colleges and 7 departments. I'm particularly pleased to note that three of the publications are led by CVG Scholar award recipients from 2019 (Bhargav Sanketi, Kurpios Lab; Seoyeon Lee, Soloway Lab) and 2020 (Min-Ting Lee, Johnson Lab). I also want to make special mention here of a 2021 CVG Distinguished Scholar, Madhav Mantri (De Vlaminck Lab), who was selected by a separate review committee to be one among three trainee speakers, alongside Laura Dunn (Baines Lab) and Jason Chobirko (Feschotte/Grimson Labs), at the recent immunogenomics symposium at Cornell. Madhav presented his work recently published in Nature Cardiovascular Research. Congratulations to all of our outstanding trainees!
Pitx2 patterns an accelerator-brake mechanical feedback through latent TGFβ to rotate the gut
Sanketi BD, Zuela-Sopilniak N, Bundschuh E, Gopal S, Hu S, Long J, Lammerding J, Hopyan S, Kurpios NA.
Science. 2022 Sep 23;377(6613).
Characterization of interactions of dietary cholesterol with the murine and human gut microbiome
Le HH, Lee MT, Besler KR, Comrie J, Johnson EL.
Nature microbiology. 2022 Sep;7(9):1390-403.
Transcript-specific determinants of pre-mRNA splicing revealed through in vivo kinetic analyses of the 1st and 2nd chemical steps.
Gildea MA, Dwyer ZW, Pleiss JA.
Molecular Cell. 2022 Aug 18;82(16):2967-81
Complex feline disease mapping using a dense genotyping array.
Hernandez I, Hayward JJ, Brockman JA, White ME, Mouttham L, Wilcox EA, Garrison S, Castelhano MG, Loftus JP, Gomes FE, Balkman C, Brooks MB, Fiani N, Forman M, Kern T, Kornreich B, Ledbetter, EC, Peralta S, Struble A, Caligiuri L, Corey E, Lin L, Jordan J, Sack D, Boyko AR, Lyons LA, Todhunter RJ.
Frontiers in veterinary science. 2022;9.
Remodeling of gene regulatory networks underlying thermogenic stimuli-induced adipose beiging.
Lee S, Benvie AM, Park HG, Spektor R, Harlan B, Brenna JT, Berry DC, Soloway PD.
Communications biology. 2022 Jun 14;5(1):1-6.
The impact of using different ancestral reference populations in assessing crossbred population admixture and influence on performance.
Jaafar M, Heins B, Dechow C, Huson H.
Frontiers in Genetics. 2022 Jan 1;13.