Vertebrate Developmental Genomics Training Grant
Fall 2020 Nomination Guidelines
The T32 training grant in Vertebrate Developmental Genomics has three training appointments available. This grant provides trainee and institutional support for three graduate students. Students on the training grant must adhere to the requirements and expectations outlined in the grant proposal. Only one student per lab can be on the grant at a time. The one-year appointment terms will start January 2021. A second term may be available contingent on the success of our NIH program renewal application. The term of support is limited to 2 years per trainee.
We ask that the applicant and PI please email us by September 4th, confirming the intent to apply, followed by submitting their nomination package in the next month. Below are the requirements, expectations, and instructions for nominating predoctoral candidates:
Candidate Pre-Requisites
- Must be a US citizen or permanent resident
- Must have selected a thesis advisor and have completed TA-ship requirements by Fall 2020.
- Applicants must fit the intended purpose of the program to focus on Vertebrate Developmental Genomics.
- A-exam completion is preferred but not required. However, continuance of an award is contingent on passing the A-exam, which would be expected to occur before the Fall 2020 semester.
Trainee Expectations
- Minor in Genomics and satisfy the requirements of that field.
- Complete at least one developmental biology course.
- Meet with a Secondary Program Mentor assigned to you from among the Trainers listed on the grant.
- Attend the monthly verge meetings.
- Attend the CVG and Developmental Biology journal clubs. Present at one CVG journal club.
- Attend the monthly luncheons for trainees on this grant (CVG genomics scholars also participate), and present at one of these meetings annually.
- Present a poster at the CVG symposium while on the training grant.
- Travel to one scientific conference within the term. This travel will be partially supported by the grant and CVG funds. (Virtual conferences are acceptable.)
- Trainees are encouraged and expected to pursue external funding opportunities.
- Annual and Semi-annual meetings will be required with advisor, thesis committee members, and secondary program mentor. Meeting reports to be filed with the Training Program Office (ie, the CVG office) by the attending faculty.
Nomination Package
Letter of Intent: Due September 4, 2020
Please email to Praveen Sethupathy (pr46) and Charlotte Williams (cw25)
- Applicant’s name
- PI name
- Graduate Field
- Completed or intended A-Exam date
Application: Due October 7, 2020
Please send as one complete pdf file to Charlotte at cw25. The nomination letter from the PI may be submitted separately.
- Nomination letter from the faculty mentor. Relevance of the applicant to vertebrate developmental genomics should be addressed in the PI letter.
- An NIH style CV for the nominee. Please include any publications completed, planned, or in preparation. Please include current email address, prior institutions and degrees, and undergraduate GPA.
- A project title and description (2-3 pages, not including references). This must be written by the nominee, include a brief working title, an introduction and succinct description of the planned work, and address the project's relevance to vertebrate developmental genomics.
- Records from graduate coursework (course titles and grades). Please also include the date of A-Exam, and the TA-ship that was completed.
- List of intended or completed coursework that will include at least one developmental biology course and those intended to complete the Genomics Minor. Please indicate the semester and year for each course. Consult the DGS of Genomics to determine if your prior coursework or experience qualifies for the Minor.
- List of intended thesis committee members. In this section, you may optionally suggest a secondary program mentor from among the trainers listed on the training grant.
Applicants and PIs will be notified in November.
Letter of Intent: Due September 4, 2020
Please email to Praveen Sethupathy (pr46) and Charlotte Williams (cw25)
- Applicant’s name
- PI name
- Graduate Field
- Completed or intended A-Exam date
Application: Due October 7, 2020
Please send as one complete pdf file to Charlotte at cw25. The nomination letter from the PI may be submitted separately.
- Nomination letter from the faculty mentor. Relevance of the applicant to vertebrate developmental genomics should be addressed in the PI letter.
- An NIH style CV for the nominee. Please include any publications completed, planned, or in preparation. Please include current email address, prior institutions and degrees, and undergraduate GPA.
- A project title and description (2-3 pages, not including references). This must be written by the nominee, include a brief working title, an introduction and succinct description of the planned work, and address the project's relevance to vertebrate developmental genomics.
- Records from graduate coursework (course titles and grades). Please also include the date of A-Exam, and the TA-ship that was completed.
- List of intended or completed coursework that will include at least one developmental biology course and those intended to complete the Genomics Minor. Please indicate the semester and year for each course. Consult the DGS of Genomics to determine if your prior coursework or experience qualifies for the Minor.
- List of intended thesis committee members. In this section, you may optionally suggest a secondary program mentor from among the trainers listed on the training grant.
Applicants and PIs will be notified in November.